I may be a little late to the game on this product but I thought I would share it anyways. I just picked up a couple of pull through bore cleaning devices from Real Avid called the "Bore Boss". I stumbled across these the other night at a local sporting goods store for $9.99 each. For their quality that was a real bargain. Of course you can find them through most online outlets including Amazon. I am always looking for products that make cleaning our guns easier especially when we have matches on two consecutive days [such as 3 gun matches] and I am cleaning our guns on the dinette table of our travel trailer.
I have always used bore snakes for this purpose but as most of you know they can get dirty really fast because of the amount of material that they possess. Don't get me wrong, I still like to use bore snakes but I was searching for something different which I found in the Bore Boss. I picked one up in .223 and one in 12ga. Once I get one in 9mm the collection will be complete [for now].
The Bore Boss comes in multiple calibers ranging from .22 to up to 12 gauge which means they have an option for everyone. Heck, at $9.99 each it is affordable enough to pick up multiple calibers.
The feature that makes the Bore Boss so unique is that the container that it is stored in also becomes the pull through handle. When the Bore Boss is wrapped inside of it's storage container/handle it is compact enough to fit in most tool boxes and field kits. Once you are ready to use it you simply flip the rubber sides of the carry handle out of the way and then you just unwind the Bore Boss and it is ready to use. Flip the rubber sides back down and now the container becomes the handle that you attach the end of the Bore Boss to.
Using the Bore Boss is pretty self explanatory but there are printed instructions along with pictures on the back for those of you that like to read versus fumbling your way through using something for the first time like I do! Hahaha First, you feed the weighted cable through the bore and then out the end of the barrel. Second, you just hook the weighted end onto the container/handle and then just pull it through. Really no different than your average bore snake but much easier to pull through. The bore brush is made of brass and the "snake" is attached to the end of it almost like a tail. This makes it easier to clean the bore brush without having to worry about the material like on a bore snake.
This might not be the best thing since sliced bread for some people but it is another useful tool in the never ending quest of keeping guns clean, especially when you are cleaning for two [competitive shooters] like I have to do! Think Christy will get the hint? [wink, wink] ;-)

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