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Thursday, April 9, 2015

SLIP 2000 Carbon Killer

Have you ever been told by someone , " XYZ Cleaner is the best cleaner there is for blah, blah, blah" ? Yeah, that's about the time I zone out also! Well, today I was proven very wrong. We checked out a fairly new gun store today and the owner of the store [and resident gunsmith] told me about a carbon cleaner that he uses religiously, especially for AR bolt carrier assemblies. He showed me the jar that he personally uses and I could see a ton of carbon just floating at the bottom of the green colored liquid. He has cleaned a couple hundred bolts with this exact jar. This was the same size jar as seen in the pictures. He so swears by it that I decided to give it a try.

The product is called SLIP 2000 Carbon Killer. As the name suggests, it KILLS carbon! After a few hundred rounds our AR's were a little dirty to say the least. I took my intact bolt carrier group and dipped it into the jar of Carbon Killer, waited about 10 minutes and then rinsed the entire assembly off under hot tap water. I could see the carbon just flowing into the sink and I noticed the shine of my chrome bolt assembly showing through from under the water. You do not have to worry about it running down the drain since Carbon Killer is biodegradable, non hazardous and non toxic. I disassembled the bolt and gave everything a final wipe down and lube. I can honestly say that I have not seen my bolt that clean since it was new, and I clean our guns regularly! Next, I followed the same process with Christy's bolt. The only thing I did differently was I shortened the time I let it soak by a couple of minutes since her bolt assembly is coated black [per the instructions].

Tonight, I was cleaning our competition pistols and I decided to try Carbon Killer on the inside of the barrels. I dipped a barrel brush into the jar and ran it through the barrels a couple of times. I let it sit for a couple of minutes, pushed the brush through a couple more times and then ran a cleaning patch on a jag through it. On the first pass I could see the cleaning patch was covered in pure carbon. I have used other types of bore cleaners but none have worked like this. Plus, you aren't blasted with noxious fumes like other bore cleaners since Carbon Killer has a nice citrus scent.

Overall, I am very impressed with this cleaner and I hope you will be too. Essentially, this can be used anywhere carbon may build up, just make sure you follow the instructions as the cleaner can take off certain types of finishes if it is left on too long. Also, make sure you lube the cleaned parts as usual.

The cleaner can be found through most online retailers. If your local gun store does not carry it, request that they do.


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