We don't generally do reviews of bags or cases [even though we have tons of them and Christy calls me a "Bag Whore"] but this case has proven very useful to us ever since we got it so I figured I would share it with you all. This case is the Display Covert Rifle Case from our friends at Tuff Products.
The case is designed to look like something that you would carry a professional display in like people carry around and set up at trade shows. The shape of the case does not give away the fact that it can carry two unassembled full size AR15 rifles [Fig.1] along with a couple of pistols and several magazines. Everything you would need for discreet carry without drawing attention to yourself. You can even get the case with either a velcro panel for applying your own patches or with a printed logo that would deceive most nosy people! [Fig.2] Right above the velcro panel/printed logo there is also a business card holder that adds to the covertness of this case [plus it is useful].
The bag is pretty spacious [28"x14"x4 3/4"] and can accomodate longer length uppers [unlike some covert carry bags] and is tall enough to fit uppers with scopes mounted. Our uppers have 17.7" barrels [not including muzzle brake] and Vortex Strike Eagle scopes on a Vortex scope mount and they both fit perfectly in the bag. To keep the components from sliding around the bag comes with 5 velcro straps that can be moved around to hold everything right where you want it. [Fig.3] To further customize the bag to fit your needs the bag includes 4 hinged barriers that can be positioned anywhere by placing them velcro side down onto the velcro panel built into the bag. One of my pet peeves is when bags come with weak zippers that do not move smoothly and I am happy to report that this case does not suffer from that problem.
To provide extra storage for smaller items such as pistols, mags, etc. the lid of the case has a zippered and padded dual compartment that comes complete with two removable sleeves to store pistols in. [Fig.4] These sleeves are a nice touch as they keep other items from rubbing or bumping against the pistols. I know most people call their handguns "tools" and they don't care if they get scratched up but we prefer to keep our looking as good as possible for as long as possible. If they get scratched up I want it to be from actual usage versus careless storage!
Overall, this case fits our needs perfectly and it should prove to be a useful case for you as well. It retails for $149.00 on Tuff Products website at www.tuffproducts.com. If you include our coupon code ROSS10 at checkout you will receive an extra 10% off your order. Tuff Products offers an amazing product line so be sure to check out their entire website for those must have items.